Jharkhand Industrial Area Development Authority

Third Party List

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  Total Records : 3
Sr.No.PhotoThird Party NameMobile NoEmail IdReg. FromReg. toMinimun ExperienceWork AssignedRate Per(sq.meter)Valid TillThird Party Certificate
 1 LTP Photo VED PRAKASH CHANDRAKAR 9630448844 ved.nkhl55@gmail.com 2016-07-18 2017-07-18 Minimun 3 Yrs Up to 10 meter height Residential 45 rs/sqm and Commercial 55 rs/sqm 31/7/2016 View
 2 LTP Photo VED VED 7566666754 ved31290@outlook.com 2016-07-26 2017-07-26 10 Yrs with PG and above Up to 16.4 meter height 67 29/7/2017 View
 3 LTP Photo ARCHITCT ASFI 7004696624 anjuma005@gmail.com 2017-03-14 2017-12-31 10 Yrs with PG and above Up to 10 meter height 600 per sqmt  View